The Couch Crusher - Illustration for Men's Health Magazine

I recently had the opportunity to do this funny illustration for the April issue of Men's Health Magazine. Every month there is a column featuring exercises with how-to technical instructions accompanied by an illustration. This set of moves is called the "couch crusher" and you can do them while you are watching TV. Fear not if you have become one with your sofa while binge-watching Star Trek during the cold winter months - you can get ripped and never miss an episode! Just make sure that you don't freak out the dog break any furniture while your at it ;) 

Thanks to Robert and Pete for the Art Direction!


CARNIVORE weeks 5,6,7

I'm late on posting CARNIVORE weeks 5,6 and 7 to the blog. So here you go! There are still prints of all works available in the Carnivore shop. Original art is also available. All prints are on archival Hahnemuhle photo rag paper. Thanks for looking!

Anaxyrus Americanus (American Toad)

Anaxyrus Americanus (American Toad)

Trachops cirrhosis (Fringe-lipped bat)

Trachops cirrhosis (Fringe-lipped bat)

Canis lupus (Grey wolf)

Canis lupus (Grey wolf)